A presentation to the Town of Markham began:
The collection of exorbitant parking fees from people at their most vulnerable moments is fundamentally and morally wrong. The sick, the injured, the aged, the disabled, the chronically ill, the frantically worried cannot advocate for their needs when personal health-care crises are upon them. In the midst of challenging, sometimes tragic circumstances, Ontario hospitals and the governments that support them must not download budgetary pressures upon the hospital clientele. The City of Markham has the highest number of people living in poverty in York Region.
To the City of Pickering:
Corr. 16-13 received from John Hazlewood, Dan Horchik, Elizabeth Plashkes and Alan Powell, seeking Council support for fair hospital parking charges by way of forwarding letters to the Premier, the Minister of Health and Long Term Care and all respective MP's, MP's requesting that parking fees at Ontario Hospitals be reduced and capped at a fair rate be endorsed.
Carried Unanimously On a Recorded Vote
To the City of Uxbridge:
"THAT the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Uxbridge support the request of John Hazelwood, Dan Horchik, Elizabeth Plashkes and Alan Powell re Hospital Parking Charges;
AND THAT the Township of Uxbridge request the Province of Ontario reduce and cap at a fair rate the parking charges at Ontario Hospitals, including Markham-Stouffville Hospital."